Mechanical CE certification shenzhen machinery CE certification body.
First of all, it is the eu market to mechanical CE certification for a compulsory certification testing program of mechanical equipment, more specifically, those who enter into the eu market products are need to CE certification testing, to ensure that products meet the requirements of eu laws and regulations standard.
Market in the eu "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark, whether the products of the enterprises within the eu, or products of other countries, to free circulation in the eu market, must be labeled with "CE", to show that the product is in conformity with the European Union "the new methods of technical coordination and standardization" basic requirements of the directive.This is a mandatory requirement for products by eu law.
How long will the mechanical CE certification take?
Mechanical CE certification cycle is according to customer requirements to identify cycle, have issued by the third party inspection certification institution, has issued by NB institution, his body, according to its service, are also factors that affect cycle.The shortest period of the third-party testing institution is 5 working days, and the certificate and report are issued in two weeks. The certificate of NB institution must be issued in two weeks.
According to the regulation of the eu machinery directive (MD), those who use within the territory of the European machines, whether it's made out of Europe, or export machinery shall comply with relevant European standards, and must paste the CE mark on the body, to the mechanical conform to safety standards, shall be legally sold in Europe and use.
Market in the eu "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark, whether the products of the enterprises within the eu, or products of other countries, to free circulation in the eu market, must be labeled with "CE", to show that the product is in conformity with the European Union "the new methods of technical coordination and standardization" basic requirements of the directive.This is a mandatory requirement for products by eu law.
How long will the mechanical CE certification take?
Mechanical CE certification cycle is according to customer requirements to identify cycle, have issued by the third party inspection certification institution, has issued by NB institution, his body, according to its service, are also factors that affect cycle.The shortest period of the third-party testing institution is 5 working days, and the certificate and report are issued in two weeks. The certificate of NB institution must be issued in two weeks.
According to the regulation of the eu machinery directive (MD), those who use within the territory of the European machines, whether it's made out of Europe, or export machinery shall comply with relevant European standards, and must paste the CE mark on the body, to the mechanical conform to safety standards, shall be legally sold in Europe and use.